Here is what happened chronologically.
Thursday: Got food poisoning.
Friday: We have three different classes that are arranged by level. Above average, average, and below average. My Below Average kids are a struggle classroom management wise but have good hearts. My Above Average always cleans up the fastest, best listeners, and pretty kind. My Above Average class were really badly behaved. My below average class was the best behaved of all time.
Example of just two encounters that day:
What should you do if you don't do well on the test? How can you make something negative into something positive?
Above Average Kids: Next time cheat on the test!
Me: 😨
Below Average Kids: You should study and ask the teacher to help you during recess!
Me: 😲
What should you do if someone is teasing you? How can you make the bad experience into a good experience?
Above Average Kids: Exact revenge on them!
Below Average Kids: Ask the teacher for help. Tell them you want them to stop and ask why they are doing it so you can stop it from happening again.
Me: Am I in the Twilight Zone right now?
On the same Friday my didi (Chinese uber) didn't pick us up for school so I had to beg a ride from a co-worker. It was raining that day so all of the didis were busy taking other passengers. AND my didi to pick us up from the school drove to the wrong place (even with a GPS) blamed me and then cancelled so I had to ask ANOTHER co-worker for a ride.
Ordered off of a food app to get fruit teas. The delivery man went to the wrong building. I sent him a picture on the GPS of where he was and where he needed to be and was still lost. He called me and we argued for 15 minutes about his location and he was saying that I WAS IN THE WRONG BUILDING. I march over to the building he is in, in pajamas, get my tea, march him outside to show him the sign outside of the building to prove that I was correct. Argued for 15 more minutes until he gruffly said that he was wrong, the closest thing I got to an apology.
Got the cold.
Came to school and my half of my shelves were gone. The school took away my shelves because they were diffusing poisonous fumes in my room. Won't get back my shelves until December.
The school serves fish for the adults sometimes and I try to avoid it. I have a hard time eating around the bones but on this day I thought I got tofu squares in a brown sauce. It was fish. I tried to eat around it carefully when it happened. Got a fish bone stuck in my throat. My body panicked and I could feel myself starting to gag. I sped walked out of the cafeteria into the bathroom and vomited. It didn't work. I tried gargling water to dislodge it and that didn't work. I once again vomited. Teachers came to look for me after my speedy exit and decided I needed to go to the ER. A TA/friend took me to the hospital to act as my translator (God Bless You Jeanne.) Every time I closed my mouth I could feel the bone jab into my tonsils so I had to keep my mouth open, effectively looking like a fish myself.
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Not the type of fish that tried to possess me but this is what I looked like. |
It was weird being the the same ER waiting room as a person who literally had a gash in their head, a kid moaning and holding his stomach, and a pale man in a wheelchair, and then me--a dork with wide open mouth. We had to pay before going into the doctor's office, walked up to the third floor, and the doctor got the bone out in two seconds with a pair of large tweezers. Apparently kids get fish bones stuck in their throats all the time so this is a common ER job. The bone was about an inch and a half big (3 cm).
My sister was really supportive which surprised me. I was fully expecting to get a lot of teasing, especially since she had a real ER experience.
We do think the ghost of the fish tried to possess my body. Titles for the occurrence have so far been the Fish-orcist and The Fin (instead of The Nun).
Thank the Lord it was a normal day. My students behaved well, lessons went well, food was good, and didis were on time.
A co-worker volunteered me for a field trip. A field trip that I was completely unaware was happening. Had to make substitute teacher plans for my TA's on Friday. I completely lost my mind over this because it was so incredibly rude. I had to get substitute teachers for the classes I was missing for a field trip I didn't even sign up for. I was angry with the school for not even checking with me if it was okay, they just went off of this teacher's word. When I asked to be pardoned from it (because I DIDN'T EVEN SIGN UP) they started to guilt trip me saying if I didn't go they would cancel the trip the kids were so looking forward to it and it would just break their little hearts if CHELSEA didn't go.
I told them that if it happened again then they should cancel the field trip because I'm not going to be guilt tripped and tricked like that again. This will be the last and only time it will happen. They will probably try again and I need to not let it happen.
Friday: Turns out the kids couldn't care less that I was on the field trip. The foreign teachers literally walked behind the kids while the other teachers lectured to the kids in the rain about water chestnuts. THAT IS RIGHT. The kid's special reward field trip was to walk in the rain, in the mud, and learn about water chestnuts. The real question is: Why were we there?
There were not one, not two, but THREE photographers at the park with us kids. I was wearing a face mask (remember the cold?) and at one point I was asked to take it off because I was "ruining the pictures." When I said, "You do know I'm wearing this because I'm sick right?" They snapped one photo of me and gruffly walked off.
In a way, I am glad that I was sick and had to wear a mask because then I ruined the true reason I was invited to the field trip. If the school wanted to take me out of my classes where I am licensed to teach and wanted to teach then they wouldn't get the pictures they wanted to parade me around like a circus monkey.
Don't get me wrong, I don't mind taking pictures for the company. I do mind being lied to and forced to go on trips.
That was the end to my chaotic week. On October 1st I will get a week off for the Chinese National Holiday. Can you guess where my destination will be?
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